Welcome Student Athletes

For Student AthletesImmediately maximize your athletic abilities by developing the confidence, focus, motivation, and resiliency needed to become a champion! Dr. Chris Stankovich has helped thousands of athletes reach their full potential by improving their mental toughness, and has created an entire product line dedicated to helping athletes of all ages and skill levels improve in this area.

Our programs have been developed using the world’ s most advanced sport performance science training skills and will teach you how to:

  • Increase self-confidence
  • Improve focus and on-field decision making
  • Overcome nerves, anxiety, and choking
  • Beat stress, failure, and adversity
  • WIN more games!

Links for Student Athletes


Paul O´Neil

"Dr. Stankovich is a well-respected, leading national authority in sport psychology and has helped thousands of athletes reach their full potential. His programs are very easy to learn and can be implemented for immediate on-field success. You don't have to have "psychological problems" to see the results from his mental training techniques. I highly recommend these products for all athletes, all ages and all skill levels!"

Paul O'Neill, Former New York Yankee great and 5-time World Series Champion



Products for Student Athletes