Dr. Stankovich in the News

Dr. Stankovich behind the camera

Dr. Stankovich on NBC4i

How Much Is Too Much For Two-Sport Athletes?

NBC4's medical reporter Ellie Merritt interviewed Dr. Chris Stankovich for a segment investigating the potential hazards of student athletes taking on multiple sports.

Dr. Stankovich helps many of his clients mentally manage their intense atheletic schedules. He spoke with Merritt about the signs of youth sport burnout and the higher risk of injuries associated with athletes who are overloaded. Click here to learn more »

Dr. Stankovich is the Sports Doc

Dr. Chris Stankovich Teaching

Dr. Chris Stankovich is known as “The Sports Doc” for his user-friendly tips and advice pertaining to sport wellness and productivity. Catch Dr. Stankovich's regular feature on NBC4i Columbus where he discusses topics around athletic performance enhancement, sports parenting tips, and many other issues pertaining to having a fun, safe, and meaningful youth sport experience!


View some of the "Sports Doc Minute" clips to the right, or visit NBC4i.com for the complete listing.

Printable PDFs

Printable PDFs

Dr. Chris Stankovich also contributes regularly to numerous newspapers, magazines, and web journals. His work has been featured in USA Today, Street and Smith Sport Business Journal, The New York Post, The San Francisco Chronicle, The Washington Post, Mens Health, and The Columbus Dispatch as well as many others. We've collected some of his articles and made them easily available here. View more »

Examiner Articles


Dr. Stankovich is a national Sports Culture & Psychology Examiner, where he regularly contributes articles pertaining to sport psychology, sociology, and philosophy, and how sports are experienced in American culture today. Always timely, these articles focus on contemporary issues and trends impacting American sports fans and provide a unique psychological perspective. View more »

Quick Vids


Sports Doc Minute: Intimidation

Sports Doc Minute: Sport Burnout

Sports Doc Minute: Confidence

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