Professional Highlights

Dr. Chris Stankovich

Dr. Stankovich is a graduate of The Ohio State University and the Founder of Advanced Human Performance Systems, an athletic counseling and human performance enhancement center.  Dr. Stankovich has written/co-written five books, including Positive Transitions for Student Athletes,The ParentsPlaybook, Mind of Steel, Optimal Balance for Life Success, and Sport Success 360°; and has had hundreds of articles published on topics related to sport psychology and athletic success.  Additionally, he has been featured for his work in USA Today, ESPN, New York Post, Washington Post, Street & Smith Sports Business Journal, San Francisco Chronicle, and ABC World News. 

Dr. Stankovich is known as “The Sports Doc” for his featured television segment on Ohio News Network (ONN), NBC4i Columbus, and Columbus Parent magazine.  He is also a featured columnist for The National Federation of High Schools (NFHS), The National Examiner, the Ohio High School Athletic Association (OHSAA) magazine, and STACK magazine

In addition to his duties at his practice, Dr. Stankovich has taught undergradute and graduate courses in psychology, education, and business at Ohio State, Wittenberg University, Capital University, Otterbein University, Kenyon College, University of Dayton, Ashland University, and Columbus College of Art & Design.

For more information or to schedule a speaking engagement with Dr. Stankovich, please feel free to Contact Us.

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Some of Dr. Stankovich’s Career Highlights Include:

  • Graduate of the Institute of Scandinavian Physical Culture (sport psychology studies), Denmark
  • Professional educational consultant to The Ohio Bar Association and Columbus Bar Association
  • Professional educational consultant to Ohio University College of Osteopathic Medicine
  • Professional program developer and educational consultant to The Safe and Drug-Free School Consortium, Columbus, Ohio
  • Co-founder of “Positive Transitions,” the nation’s first collegiate sport transition course founded at The Ohio State University, 1996
  • Frequent contributor to Street & Smith Sport Business Journal
  • Keynote Presenter at several national, world, and state conferences, including the American Counseling Association World Conference, the NCAA National Conference, Ohio High School Athletic Conferences, and the Ohio Human Resource Conference
  • Featured columnist, Business First newspaper, discussing various performance psychology training techniques used in business and industry
  • Featured columnist, Four Columbus and C-Entertainment magazines, discussing health, wellness, and productivity
  • Published in The Journal of College Counseling (2001) and The Journal of Academic Athletic Advisors (2000)
  • Creator of “Making the Jump” program designed to assist high school athletes with the transition to college athletics
  • Award finalist for Graduate Teaching Associate of the Year, The Ohio State University
  • Co-creator of The Optimal Performance System in Sport (TOPSS), a nationally recognized model used to assist student athletes with health, performance, and overall well-being
  • Board Member, h-Leadership (Joe Heskett, Founder) & Majority of One Minority Student Athlete organization (James Hall, Founder)
  • Creator of the Sports Performance Assessment, the worlds first sport psychology mental toughness app for iphone